Sunday, August 11, 2013

Remembering Love and Taking Action

What does it mean – to Remember Love
and Take Action?

Remembering LOVE (for another person or the experience of being loved) is more than a state of mind or a recollection of thoughts.  It’s a fuller and deeper experience of love – of recalling a past experience, then feeling it in the present moment – the feeling of love inside our body, in our thoughts and emotions, and in the spiritual connection with another person or with God. 

So, why Remember Love? 
Remembering LOVE in this way, connects us to our inner being and true self.  It is then we see TRUTH and LOVE everywhere.   First we are spiritual beings before our physical nature.  In our humanness we tend to become overly focused on our busyness, our physical world, and we seek only for answers and insights externally.  When we REMEMBER the experience of LOVE at a deeper level, we realize we have everything we need within us already.  Divine love is whole and in spirit we are one with each other and God.  This means our experience of who we are is at the same time experiencing God within - we just haven’t recognized it yet.  When we forget who we are and that God’s wisdom, insights, knowing and guidance is within us - we feel self-doubt, fear, and uncertainty.  When we remember this deeper LOVE we no longer need to act as if we are alone.  

So, How do we experience 'Remembering Love'?

To remember this LOVE and to access the truth through an ‘inner’ listening, through discernment and through trusting our ‘intuition’, we can access the spiritual guidance and certainty we need to move forward in life.  First we need to learn to be still – in our thoughts (our mind) and in our busyness (our actions).  Without stillness we cannot hear the spiritual nudgings, the intuition, the truth that is guiding us every day.  When we are still we become open and we listen from the heart, and not the head.  We hear, we understand, we begin to create through inspiration, which then leads us toward loving action.

Why will 'Remembering Love' lead to action?
Remembering LOVE or experiencing love at this inner level – opens our heart to see (spiritually) what is possible.  The strength of this becomes a powerful drive as our own experience becomes something that moves us to share what we ‘know’ with others.  As we feel love, we are driven to share LOVE –  the insights, wisdom, skills, or whatever it is we are GIFTED with - and every person is gifted in a unique way.  When we share what we know (in spirit, mind and body) we give the greatest gift of all to others.  There is no greater sense of fulfillment or happiness in life than this.

Rebecca Novacek
Intuitive Coaching
Living With Spice